20 Mar

>400 Collectable Military Rifles

Steven K. Ledin,


I went to my favorite gun shop the other day to say hi. They just took in 400 of the most desirable military long guns I have ever seen in one place at one time. Absolutely unbelievable. I’ve been in this business for decades and have never seen such a collection at once. Some of the most exciting included Beretta BM-59s, police Mini 14s, lots of Steyr Augs, including one with white furniture and matching bayonet, a widely varied selection of Belgium FALs, HK 94s, Galils, Daewoos, HK 91s, FNCs, Dragonovs, a Postal Meter M1 carbine, a Sig AMT, and tons of ARs, AKs, and everything else you can picture in your wildest dreams. You can also pick up (not literally) a 3″ or 4.62″ cannon with carriage, or any other of the 3000 different guns they have on display. Contact GAT Guns for information on transferring these guns to your local shop. Beware, a lot of these collectable military guns come with hefty price tags. Their website hasn’t been updated in a while, and it is a retail store, so you can’t really shop at this time on line very easily, so call if you have something in mind. And don’t forget to buy all your optics and accessories from OpticsPlanet.

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