31 Dec
Happy New Year 2014!
Steven K. Ledin, December 31, 2014 
Happy new year to all! Hope it's great and you are all blessed with a half-glass-full attitude and pass that attitude onto others throughout the year!
My babiest sister Kara was over last weekend with her three kids Lila, age 5, Owen, age 10, and Eden, age 12, to visit and have fun with our three crazy beasts. They have always had dogs and they loved ours, even though they are hard to control. The dogs, not the kids.
I made them each a necklace from bone that they picked out.
I brought out a Gamo MP9 semiauto pellet rifle with a folding stock and OPMOD EOTech. They shot for the first time ever! In my basement range. They were superb, every one!
Teach the kids properly from the beginning. There's not a lot of folks to take our place.
Happy new year and God bless!

About Steven K. Ledin
Steve has never not known guns. Before motorcycles, money, or girls, they have always been part of his life. He was tenured as General Manager of one of the country’s largest gun stores and ranges, a buyer in a big box sporting goods store, and is currently OpticsPlanet’s Director of Product Intelligence. He was a US Navy gunners mate, and is an NRA certified instructor in ten categories, as well as an Illinois CCW instructor. He shoots competitively and has hunted from Alaska to Africa. He thoroughly loves life with his beloved wife, Shirley, and their three wildish dogs Tinker, TranRek (pronounced “Train Wreck”), and Crash Almighty. He is a stubborn stage 4 cancer survivor not yet ready to cash in his chips.