10 Apr
Those Germans, Belgians, and Austrians Sure Know How to Make a Fine Firearm
Steven K. Ledin, April 10, 2015 
Undeniably, the countries of Germany, Belgium, and Austria really know how to make some of the best firearms in existence.
And it's hard to beat an H&K P7 M13 for a carry gun. Squeeze-cocker, cock-squeezer, combat staple gun, call it what you will. One of the finest machines ever made.

Top rifle is an FN SCAR Heavy .308 with OPMOD EOTech HHS-1, Steiner DBAL I2 IR and visible green lasers, and an InForce 500 lumen weapon light. Middle gun is a customized HK 416 D .22LR, and bottom is a ridiculously accurate 1/4 MOA Steyr SSG .308 with an older Zeiss Conquest 6.5-20×50 scope with Rapid Z 1000 reticle.
Pistol on the left is a favorite carry gun, a Glock 19 with Crimson Trace Lasergrip and Light Guard. The H&K P7 M13 on the right and above still leaves me speechless.
About Steven K. Ledin
Steve has never not known guns. Before motorcycles, money, or girls, they have always been part of his life. He was tenured as General Manager of one of the country’s largest gun stores and ranges, a buyer in a big box sporting goods store, and is currently OpticsPlanet’s Director of Product Intelligence. He was a US Navy gunners mate, and is an NRA certified instructor in ten categories, as well as an Illinois CCW instructor. He shoots competitively and has hunted from Alaska to Africa. He thoroughly loves life with his beloved wife, Shirley, and their three wildish dogs Tinker, TranRek (pronounced “Train Wreck”), and Crash Almighty. He is a stubborn stage 4 cancer survivor not yet ready to cash in his chips.