01 Sep

Reticles and Girls Riding My Pulse, My Dog Closes His Eyes When We Kiss, OP Party, Filming at Deer Creek Hunt Club, and Happy Labor Day!

Steven K. Ledin,

Coffee speeds my heart rate and makes it even harder to control the thumping when shooting long range. The reticle rides my pulse. This reared its head last week while filming at Deer Creek Hunt Club in Michigan. Zen tricks are no match for lots of caffiene.

I had a few friends over to shoot for their first time, and Liz and Stacy are truly lovely creatures that make your heart bang out loud. Andre a bit less so, for my tastes, anyway. They all did great and we all had fun.

Our OP party was a big sucess with about 400 folks in attendance, and simply for the gratuitous sake of posting another picture of cute gals, here it is, with Liz and Nancy and me with the face paint around my eyes. My dog really closes his eyes when we kiss. Hilarious, but I feel the same way.

My Shirley and I are off to visit dad in Arkansas for a few days. We’ll miss our boy a lot.
Happy Labor Day!


About Steven K. Ledin

Steve has never not known guns. Before motorcycles, money, or girls, they have always been part of his life. He was tenured as General Manager of one of the country’s largest gun stores and ranges, a buyer in a big box sporting goods store, and is currently OpticsPlanet’s Director of Product Intelligence. He was a US Navy gunners mate, and is an NRA certified instructor in ten categories, as well as an Illinois CCW instructor. He shoots competitively and has hunted from Alaska to Africa. He thoroughly loves life with his beloved wife, Shirley, and their three wildish dogs Tinker, TranRek (pronounced “Train Wreck”), and Crash Almighty. He is a stubborn stage 4 cancer survivor not yet ready to cash in his chips.

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